This is a collection of resources on this and other sites I thought to be relevant
for my own sake. If someone else is finding this page useful it's all the better.
I'm trying to set up an EM lab just for fun, and I have already got an
Internal links
External links
The principe of EM
TEM / SEM online courses
Detectors for EM
- The principle of electron interaction in the sample.
- BS (Back-Scatter)
- SE (Secondary Electron)
- CL (Cathod Luminiscense)
- EBSP (Electronic Back-Scatter Diffraction)
- IXRF Systems
- EELS (Electron Energy Loss Specroscopy)
- Cameras Gatan, SEM and TEM cameras....
- RHEED (Reflective High Energy Electron Diffraction)
- Electron Crystallography
Pepinsky's Machine : an interactive graphics-based Fourier synthesis program with applications in teaching and research.
Various models of SEM and TEM
- JEOL 35C - ... 1971 .. 1979 ...
JEOL JSM 35C Scanning Electron Microscope
Bridging the magnification and resolution gap between the light and electron
microscope (TEM), the scanning electron microscope (SEM) can easily produce
surface images over a broad range of magnification (20X to 180,000X) with a
resolution of 60 nm.
With the ability to accommodate specimens of relatively large size (25 cm)
and its tremendous depth of field, the SEM produces vivid three dimensional
images of a variety of samples.
- Philips 515 SEM
Might leak X-rays, have to be modified.
- JEOL 100 CX .... ~1980.
JEOL 100 CX-II Scanning-Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM)
The TEMSCAN 100CX-II is a high performance combined electron microscope consisting
of the 100CX-II TEM and a scanning attachment of ASID-4D; it has a
magnification range for the TEM mode of 360X to 320,000X and 10X to 200,000X
for theSEM mode, with a resolution of 2nm or better.
- JEOL 200 CX.
JEM 200CX on the university of Leuven.
- Hitachi H600 TEM
Modern producers of EM instruments
EM-labs with good homepages
Consumables and accessories
Hardware for the homebuilder
General lab equipments
Software links
Electron diffraction and crystallography
Other interesting links
- Electron microprobe
- Advanced Microbeam Inc
- Sample preparation
- Petr's Microscopy Resources, a good place to look for suppliers, litterature ... and anything you could think of in EM.
- The Vacuum Technology Page.
- Russian Society of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanotechnology
- Some EM links
- Carbon paint from SPI
- EB Science, supplier of equipment, some documents.
- International freight service
- Various documentation SEM, TEM, detectors...
- Scanning probe kits, build your own STM or AFM!
- Material thermal database, and a lot of cooling info.
- Vacuum greases
- Termo-electric coolers and information.
- Meredith Instruments, Laser surplus.
- Biomedical Imaging on the WWW, links to various sites.
- Laser som hemmabygge
- Gencoa, magnetron sputtering.